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HomeTiered Industry Partners

A True Partnership to One of the Largest Golf Markets in the Country

The Industry Partnership Program is more than sponsorship it is an integrated, multi-dimensional marketing strategy that provides your company access to the members of one of the largest GCSAA Chapters in the country. This program offers unprecedented recognition opportunities will ensure that every member and qualified buyer in our market recognizes your level of support and investment in the Michigan Chapter. Michigan comprises one of the largest golf markets with the most public courses in the United States and third in overall facilities.

There is simply no better way to communicate products and services to the golf industry in Michigan. This program is your key to get your message out to our members who represent enormous purchasing power. No matter what your budget or sales strategy is we can work with you to make sure you get return on your investment.

$13,000 Investment

($17,000 in Direct Value)

  1. Platinum Event Sponsor with foursome for the Northern Wee One Invitational ($3,000 value).
  2. Hole sponsor with logo signage at all MiGCSA Fundraisers. ($2,500 value).
  3. Complimentary registration to every MiGCSA golf event & fundraiser. ($5,500 value).
  4. $4,000 in direct MiGCSA credit. This can be used for any advertising opportunities offered. Up to 50% of this credit can also be used for event registrations including fundraisers.
  5. $1,000 MiGOLF.Store gift card with co-branding opportunity with MiGOLF being primary chest and company logo on the sleeve.
  6. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 Value)
  7. Top level tier recognition at every event on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  8. Company profile email & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  9. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  10. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  11. Platinum Partner MI-TEN Hospitality recognition at GCSAA Conference
  12. Annual Meeting, MI-TEN Hospitality at GCSAA Conference & Equipment Manager Conference drink ticket sponsor.
  13. Equipment Manager Conference reception table top display.
  14. Featured listing & promotion in the Fall Online Auction.

$10,500 Investment

($15,000 in Direct Value)

  1. Gold Event Sponsor for the Northern Wee One Invitational ($2,000 value).
  2. Hole sponsor with logo signage at all MiGCSA Fundraisers. ($2,500 value).
  3. Complimentary registration to every MiGCSA golf event & fundraiser. ($5,500 value).
  4. Gold level tier recognition at every event reception, on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  5. $3,000 in direct MiGCSA credit. This can be used for any marketing opportunities offered. Up to 50% of this credit can also be used for event registrations including fundraisers.
  6. $500 MiGOLF.Store gift card with co-branding opportunity with MiGOLF being primary chest and company logo on the sleeve.
  7. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 value)
  8. Company profile email to all members & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  9. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  10. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  11. Gold Partner MI-TEN Hospitality recognition at GCSAA Conference.
  12. Annual Meeting, MI-TEN Hospitality at GCSAA Conference & Equipment Managers Conference drink ticket sponsor.
  13. Equipment Manager Conference sponsor reception table top display ($1,000 value).

$8,000 Investment

($8,250 in Direct Value)

  1. Silver Event Sponsor for the Northern Wee One Invitational ($500 value).
  2. Complimentary registration to every MiGCSA golf event and one of these two options #1: The Northern Wee One Invitational or #2: Both the Western Golf Day & Big Event Fundraisers. ($4,000 value).
  3. $2,000 in direct MiGCSA credit. This can be used for any advertising opportunities offered. Up to 50% of this credit can also be used for event registrations including fundraisers.
  4. $250 MiGOLF.Store gift card with co-branding opportunity with MiGOLF being primary chest and company logo on the sleeve.
  5. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 Value)
  6. Silver level tier recognition at every event reception, on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  7. Company profile email to all members & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  8. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  9. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  10. Silver Partner MI-TEN Hospitality recognition at GCSAA Conference
  11. Annual Meeting MI-TEN Hospitality at GCSAA Conference & Equipment Managers Conference drink ticket sponsor.
  12. Equipment Manager Conference sponsor reception table top display.

Alternate Silver Partner

Ad Credit Only, No Events

$5,000 Investment

($5,000 in Direct Value)

  1. Silver Event Sponsor for the Northern Wee One Invitational ($500 value).
  2. Silver level tier recognition at every event reception on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  3. $3,000 in direct MiGCSA credit. This can be used for any advertising opportunities offered.
  4. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 Value)
  5. Company profile email to all members & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  6. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  7. Silver Partner MI-TEN Hospitality recognition at GCSAA Conference

  8. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  9. Annual Meeting MI-TEN Hospitality at GCSAA Conference & Equipment Managers Conference drink ticket sponsor.
  10. Equipment Manager Conference sponsor reception table top display.

$3,000 Investment

($2,500 in Direct Value)

  1. Bronze level tier recognition at every event reception, on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  2. $1,000 in direct MiGCSA ad credit. This can be used for any advertising opportunities offered. This credit can not be used for event registrations.
  3. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 Value)
  4. Bronze level tier recognition at every event on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  5. Company profile email to all members & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  6. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  7. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  8. Annual Meeting & Equipment Manager Conference drink ticket sponsor.
  9. Equipment Manager Conference sponsor reception table top display.

$1,500 Investment

($1,500 in Direct Value)

  1. Fifth level tier recognition at every event on signage, host thank you plaques and event email.
  2. Complimentary MiGCSA membership for up to 10 company representatives. ($1,500 Value)
  3. Company profile email to all members & social media to 4,000+ announcing tier level commitment.
  4. Industry Partner tier page in the Annual Review magazine.
  5. Annual Meeting tiered level recognition & company logo on representatives name tags.
  6. Equipment Manager Conference sponsor reception table top display.


(616) 834-0450