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Assistant Top Golf Day

Allen Saville | Published on 1/14/2025
On December 19th, the MIGCSA Assistant Top Golf Event was held at Top Golf in Auburn Hills. This year the event had a record attendance of 37 Assistants from across the state. The event has been a staple for Assistants the past few years as an opportunity to catch up after the season as well as meet new faces.

The Assistant committee looked to improve on the event with the addition of an education portion. This years speakers were Mr. Shane Conroy from the GCSAA and Mr. Ross Miller, CGCS from Country Club of Detroit. Mr. Conroy shared his experiences he had accrued over his years as an Assistant Superintendent and the lessons he used to continue to grow in his current role as GCSAA Midwest Regional Representative.

Mr. Miller took time to discuss the importance of financial responsibility and how making the right financial decisions now can have an incredible impact on your life down the road.

After the education portion,assistants were treated to a great taco bar provided as a part of the event. Following lunch, we then moved outside to partake in 2 hours of relaxed but competitive games of Top Golf. This year's winners won gift cards to the www.MiGolf.Store, we handed out a total of 6 gift cards this year in varying amounts. Congratulations to Alex Perrin, Assistant Superintendent at True North Golf Club for the highest score!

The Top Golf event continues to be a great opportunity to network, the addition of the education portion only added to this year's success. We can't thank all those who attended enough and we hope to see you again next year. For those who couldn't attend this year, please think about joining us next year.


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