The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed an online system called Bulletins Live! Two that determines if additional pesticide use limitations are needed to protect listed endangered species or habitat based on the specific application site, pesticide product and application month.
These changes represent a major shift in how agricultural and non-agricultural pesticide applicators meet regulatory compliance. There are agricultural use patterns in Michigan that are currently impacted by these new use limitations. Pesticides that require the use of the Bulletins Live! Two system will indicate so on the label under the environmental hazards section. If a pesticide label directs you to Bulletins Live! Two, you are required to follow the pesticide use limitations found on both the label and the bulletin generated by Bulletins Live! Two.
You can check to see if your farm might be impacted by visiting
Bulletins Live! Two, entering the address and date of potential pesticide applications and leaving the EPA registration field blank. For more information on these changes, visit the
MSU Extension Bulletins Live! Two website.